This year Berlin-Poznań Seminar on Discrete Mathematics will be held on November 15-16 in Gułtowy (near Poznań). Detailed program can be found here. More information about the Palace in Gułtowy can be found at Berlin-Poznań Seminar is a joint seminar between the discrete mathematics research groups from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (led by Prof. M. Karoński) and Freie Universität in Berlin (prof. Tibor Szabó). Its scope covers selected topics in discrete mathematics and algorithms, and enumerative, extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. The seminar alternates between Berlin and Poznań. It started in the mid-90's and is intended to be a forum for cooperation between young researchers and PhD students from both centers. Its aim is to discuss and present recent advances in algorithmic discrete mathematics and random graph theory.
15/11/2013 - 16/11/2013